The Importance of a Professional PR Writer

The Importance of a Professional PR Writer

The Importance of a Professional PR Writer

One of the most cost effective, time efficient ways you can generate relevant, meaningful publicity is to have a professional PR writer at TampaBayWriter write and get your press release in the media.

A well written press release can dictate what people will know, think, feel and say about you through media placement, print and online media and more with your message being market and goal specific

Your news can get media attention and build recognition and brand. Here are just a few subjects that tie directly in to public relations:

  • Employee Promotions
  • New Hires
  • New Locations
  • New Products
  • New Business
  • Mergers/Acquisitions
  • What’s Your News?

Here is a snapshot of the benefits of a professionally written press release shopped effectively to the most relevant media.

You are the Credible Authority: Customers know that a paid ad means that the company provided the messages. With PR, ideas are funneled through respected members of the media and it is perceived, rightfully so, as an unbiased story – more reliable news than advertising.

Cost Effective: PR is an economical way to stay in front of customers to build brand loyalty through real news stories and articles. A PR professional has builg the media contact network and can at the very least get your news front and center with reporters and media outlets.

SEO: And when your PR is broadcast to the target market you are instantly increasing SEO and organic results as well as repeat exposure for the same story through media coverage. information sharing, consumers are exposed to more details about your company’s product or service. Messages secured via PR, more times than not, will appear much faster when compared to advertising. In addition, PR and advertising can work together to prolong messages presented in the media

A press release creates a cost-effective way to drive SEO rankings via free media placement which is picked up on outside sites and allows you to pinpoint your exact message to your exact target audience without the large costs of a typical advertising campaign.

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