Every executive at every level of the corporate ladder knows it’s coming – the presentation, corporate overview, shareholder meeting, investor conference call, etc. – that will force him or her to deliver the oral report of their professional life.
Within the corporate structure, creating the words that will ultimately be spoken by an executive often becomes the responsibility of the catch-all marketing writer. But it is crucial to understand, especially with the expectations of an upward journey for the executive, that speech writing is a different process and mindset from other types of corporate marketing and copywriting and demands a unique skill to shine the best light on the executive presentation.
Executive speech writing is often best when outsourced to a seasoned Tampa speechwriter. Creating and finalizing executive speeches is a time consuming, stressful, personal and political process that tends to rub egos the wrong way. An objective, outside professional speechwriter has one goal and one goal only – to get the message out in the most effective way while making not only the company, but also the executive delivering the speech, look as great as possible.
From Speech Talking Points to Fully Scripted Presentations
A professional freelance speechwriter can create precise talking points for the seasoned, publicly comfortable executive or a speech that can be read word-for-word for the uncertain presenter.
Many executives have been embedded in corporate life for a long time and understand how to project a strong executive presence from relevant, properly written and logically ordered bullet points.
A Tampa speechwriter experienced in this specific discipline knows how to ferret out the information that will resonate at the highest level for any specific audience and also knows how to boil any complex thoughts down to a trigger talking point for the executive to expound upon. Once on the right track the executive is on a direct line to get the information out right, cogently and with the right tone for the specific topic and audience.
In addition, a professional speechwriting group such as TampaBayWriter.com can write a speech that can read word-for-word from the podium, during a conference call or to a live audience of media and/or employees. In addition to the words themselves, a professional speechwriting consultant can ensure that the manner and style that the speech is presented in is on-point to deliver message and exude professionalism, optimism, or regret and remedy as needed.
Words plus inflection is especially important in making presentations to investors who may be individuals or institutions and have a vested interest in not only the message but also in their confidence in the executive delivering the information. Speaking manner, demeanor, message and confidence can determine the reception level of the message along with the perception of the business.
The Best Freelance Speechwriters Understand Precise Messaging
Successful corporate executives have inspired, motivated, entertained and educated audiences through our professional speechwriting services. A professional speechwriter such as Steve Germain at TampaBayWriter.com can deliver speeches on a wide variety of subjects in your voice and with your message to drive home your key points to meet your goals.