The Best Custom Home Builder Marketing Strategies

The Best Custom Home Builder Marketing Strategies

The Best Custom Home Builder Marketing Strategies

“We build houses, we don’t need a great website, we get our leads from past customers!” You know what? Most home builders do get some business this way so the question is, do you want to be like everyone else or do you want to actually stand out and gain marketshare. But what are the best custom home builder marketing strategies?

And the fact is that even word-of-mouth leads will always, always also look at your website before they give you any business. Here are the best custom home builder marketing strategies to make your company stand out, build brand through a great online presence and increase sales.

The Importance of the Custom Home Builder Blog

The content of your website is the difference between getting noticed and being ignored online. Your website content is king and has to be optimized for search engine results. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to blog regularly (the professionals at can help) because blogging is the easiest way to build relevant content on your site.

A professional content writer can work with you to determine which search terms bring the most and most relevant views to your site and can create content that addresses your customers’ needs, wants and challenges.

This is why you can’t just write content and assume eyes will find you. A professional blog writer, experienced in working directly with custom home builders, can help to make sure your audience is finding you and your content and also sharing it for others to read.

Your blog can position your company as an expert in the custom home building industry which will increase traffic to your website and customers in the door. When you’re considered an industry expert you also get a nice benefit when others create back-links to your blog which, in turn, will increase traffic to your site.

You want to get ranked number 1 on Google searches while also offering relevant, valuable content to your readers. You can rank first on Google, but if you don’t offer the valuable content that readers want to read, you now lost that potential lead.

The fact is that even word-of-mouth leads will always, always look at your website before they give you any business. The custom home builder marketing strategies noted above can make your company stand out, build brand and increase sales.

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