Hillsborough County Marketing: Does Your Message Match County Demographics?
Hillsborough County Marketing Demographics: The current population of Hillsborough County is 1,263,189 with the median age of 36. Hillsborough County’s median household income is $48,598, and the average household net worth is $384,002. 30% of Hillsborough County’s population are long-term residents having lived in their homes for more than 5 years, while 23% of Hillsborough County’s population have moved in the last year.
Hillsborough County |
Florida |
Population |
1,263,189 | 19,255,295 |
Median Household Income |
$48,598 | $47,152 |
Average Household Net Worth |
$384,002 | $394,552 |
Long-term Residents (5+ years) |
30% | 32% |
Annual Turnover |
23% | 19% |
Median Age |
36 years | 41 years |
Age Distribution for Hillsborough County
Age | Population |
0-9 | 160,998 |
10-19 | 159,272 |
20-29 | 184,044 |
30-39 | 172,932 |
40-49 | 178,708 |
50-59 | 168,221 |
60-69 | 123,306 |
70-79 | 65,711 |
80+ | 42,835 |
Age distribution represents the distribution of the population in Hillsborough County by age group. In Hillsborough County, the male-to-female ratio is 615,583:647,606, which is 1% lower than the ratio of Florida, which is 9,410,191:9,845,104. Age demographic data is sourced from census, 2015.
Marital Status for Hillsborough County Residents
Marital Status | Population |
Singles | 35,552 |
Married | 120,668 |
Single Parents | 65,289 |
Married with Kids | 101,680 |
Marital status represents the percent of residents in Hillsborough County that are single, married, widowed and divorced. In Hillsborough County, 69% of people are married and 31% of people are single. The percent of people married is 3% lower than the ratio of Florida, which is 72%. Marital data is sourced from census, 2015.
Household Income for Hillsborough County
Income Range | Population |
$0-$9k | 39,090 |
$10k-$19k | 48,756 |
$20k-$29k | 55,018 |
$30k-$39k | 62,484 |
$40k-$49k | 50,906 |
$50k-$59k | 41,088 |
$60k-$74k | 51,402 |
$75k-$99k | 53,004 |
$100k-$124k | 33,474 |
$125k-$149k | 18,872 |
$150k-$199k | 22,873 |
$200k-$249k | 7,063 |
$250k-$499k | 8,675 |
$500k+ | 6,599 |
Household income distribution represents the distribution of Hillsborough County income brackets at the household level. Overall, the median household income for Hillsborough County is $48,598, which is 3% higher than that of Florida ($47,152). Income data for Hillsborough County is sourced from census, 2015.
Hillsborough County Education Statistics
Education Level | Population |
Less Than 9th Grade | 46,293 |
9th-12th Grade | 71,123 |
HS Graduate | 232,331 |
College No Diploma | 165,876 |
Associate Degree | 77,852 |
Bachelor’s Degree | 159,386 |
Graduate or Prof School Degree | 81,253 |
Education data represents the highest level of education attained by residents in Hillsborough County. In Hillsborough County, 14% of residents 18 and over graduated from high school and 29% completed a Bachelor’s degree or higher, which is 3% higher than that of Florida. Education statistics is sourced from census, 2015.