Best Law Firm Blog Writing Practices From Your Tampa Ghostwriter

Best Law Firm Blog Writing Practices From Your Tampa Ghostwriter

The immediate benefits of law firm blogging (when done correctly)

Law firms create and post blogs on their website for a number of tangible reasons and usually with very mixed results. As an attorney you’re smart. You’ve gone through law school. Sweated the class rankings. And now you’re ready to expand your practice and your billings.

But, the fact is that writing a brief, writing an MSA and/or writing a blog on your website are very, very different animals.

Law firms, attorneys and legal professionals looking to maximize their time, budget and effectiveness are best served using the services of a professional, freelance blog writer such as Your Tampa Ghostwriter at

Why Blog At All?

Any lawyer or legal firm looking to expand their Tampa slate of clients or go nationwide have to create a blog that enhances reputation, demonstrates professional leadership, furthers the firm’s expertise and business, and generate billing revenues.

Because clients, citizens, criminals, and in-house corporate counsel all hire lawyers they perceive as reliable authorities in their expertise blogs serve as the tributaries that can establish you as that authority. Your blogs posts can create a library of easily and widely accessed commentary under your name and read by the people (clients).

Your blog can engage readers and project the authentic personal voice of you as the author instead of spewing generalized, detached, and impersonal perspectives that is typical of traditional law firm marketing. Your blogs can also serve to provide your firm’s attorneys with increased perceived awareness about the marketplace, which in turn helps strengthen your business development activities and billing bottomline.

Legal Blogging 1, 2, 3

1. Hire a Freelance Blog Writer to Generate Quality Content

Relevant content may be king but low quality content will kill your perception with potential clients. Professional, well-written, expertly SEO-crafted blog posts will help you build your reputation as an expert in your niche area and grow your readership meaning you’ll grow your client base. If readers like what you’ve posted, if they are informed and inspired, they will return to your blog regularly and spread the word of your expertise.

2. Post Regularly

Remember, a blog is not a set it and forget it undertaking. If you are not updating and posting relevant content on your blog on a regular basis you may as well not even have one. Regular posts keep content fresh and draws more readers. To keep your name in front of clients you need to write (or enlist a professional such as the Tampa Ghostwriter) and post consistently fresh information on your blog.

Daily posts are ideal but hard to maintain when you are busy. Failing to update your blog regularly will not only turn readers off but will lower your search engine rankings.

3. Expound, expand and exploit you and your expertise.

To inform clients about your skills, expertise, education and experience your blog is the perfect place to pepper in fact about your personal/professional bio. Don’t bore readers with irrelevant facts which means including only include the most important facts that support your expertise in your chosen legal niche.

Do not, however, include a list to an exhaustive list of your professional credentials and person life. As a Tampa Bay lawyer, your clients come from personal and professional relationships, word-of-mouth reputation and referrals.

How an attorney’s word-of-mouth reputation develops in the age of social media is controlled by you and your Tampa Ghostwriter who can help with precise copy for your consistent blog updates.



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